ACA Referrals
ACA Referrals
Do you have an ACA prospect in a state that you are not licensed in?
Use this tool and get paid a MASSIVE referral fee!
Or does your prospect need coverage through a carrier that you are not appointed with?
Use this link and get paid a referral/lead fee.
Peek Performance has a few options to help your prospects get the ACA coverage they need, and also compensate you for your lead.

Option 1
I am licensed in the state, but not appointed with the carrier.
MASSIVE Referral Fee! (See fees by carrier below)
If you have a prospect in a state that you are LICENSED IN, but you do not have an appointment with the carrier that your prospect needs coverage through, we have a solution for you to enroll your prospect through Health Sherpa, and get paid a massive referral fee on the policy!
Follow the steps below:
1. You MUST be signed up for Health Sherpa through Peek Performance.
- If you do not have a Health Sherpa account, click here for set up instructions.
- If you have a Health Sherpa account, click here to make sure you are set up under Peek.
- If you wish to create a second Health Sherpa account solely for your referrals, please follow the same instructions as the first step.
2. Click here to review the list of states/carriers that Peek Performance is appointed with that you can get paid a referral fee.
- If the carrier/state you are selecting is not on this list, you will not be paid a referral fee on that sale. Also, you must be licensed in the state as well to be paid the referral fee.
3. Enroll your prospect through your own Health Sherpa account. When finalizing plan selection at the end of the enrollment process, you will see a screen with a drop down that says “My NPN”, or you can click the drop down and select “Donald Clayton Peek – NPN”. Select Donald Clayton Peek’s NPN to enroll the prospect.
Option 2
I am not licensed in the non-resident state where my prospect needs coverage.
Generous Referral Fee!
If you are not licensed in the non-resident state where your prospect needs coverage, Peek Performance can help your prospect get the coverage they need, and pay you a lead fee.
To submit your prospect referral, follow the steps below:
1. Click here to complete a “CDS” (Client Data Sheet) for the lead that you are sending to Peek Performance.
Our internal team will reach out to the prospect and enroll them in the plan that they choose. Please provide all of the necessary info for our enrollment and telling us which plan they prefer and the premium, if chosen.
2. If your prospect completes enrollment in an ACA plan, Peek Performance will issue you a one-time “Lead Fee” for your referral.
- Lead Fees will be paid out for business effective now through June 1 with the pay cycle concurrent with 90 days after the effective date.
- One-time lead fees will be $50 (individual) / $100 (family) per policy.
- In some cases a prospect will need a plan with a carrier that PPI is not appointed with; in those cases we will not pay a lead fee since PPI will not be receiving commission on that policy.
Click here to review the list of states/carriers that Peek Performance is appointed with to make sure your sale is commissionable.
If you do not see an option to select "Donald Clayton Peek - NPN" during the Health Sherpa enrollment, you may not be connected to the Peek Performance Agency on your Health Sherpa account. Click here for instructions to check and see.
If you have an existing account and do not wish to connect it to Peek Performance, please create an additional account, using the join code in these instructions, and then use this new Health Sherpa account to submit your referral business.
No. You cannot submit an application for a state in which you do not hold an active life/health insurance license. If you are not licensed in the state that your prospect lives in, you will need to go to "Option 2" on this page to submit a lead referral.